About the exhibition:
Eating a piece of sweet and moreish cake while sipping on a cup of aromatic and bitter coffee is always one of the best pleasures that we share in a busy metropolitan lifestyle. Bittersweet is a series of Eva Liu's watercolour paintings made from 2014 to 2019.
Originally, it was Eva’s intention to purely express and record her love for coffee and desserts through her detailed watercolour paintings. As time goes on, she finds that each and every such painting did in fact record far more than that. When looking at a particular painting, she can precisely remember how happy she was when having a certain piece of cake. When looking at another painting, she can also recall how she felt lost at another time but eventually felt rejuvenated and gathered herself together again after she had sipped onto her favourite cup of latte. To Eva, and maybe to others who resonate with her, this series of paintings is more than just a food diary. It is a reflection of different stages in one's life: some bitter, some sweet, but mostly bittersweet.
Human beings have no absolute control over life. However, your way of seeing and thinking can change everything. From time to time, do allow yourself a moment to consciously sit down, take a deep breath and simply feel and enjoy your favourite food. Eating is not just an energy intake process to survive. If you are conscious enough, for that very moment, you can feel the bliss of life!
Bittersweet是廖韻怡(Eva)從2014到2019年期間,以食物為題的一系列水彩作品。在咖啡廳裡嗅著咖啡幽香,吃一口香甜蛋糕,再喝一口濃郁微苦的咖啡,實在是繁忙都市人最寫意的生活。原本,Eva只想透過畫筆,記下自己喜愛的咖啡和甜品。但是,回頭細看這些畫作,似乎記錄了自己生活的點滴:有的是懷著幸福心情時的品嚐;亦有的是在失落嘆息時的寄托。吃罷喝畢,告訴自己:收拾心情,繼續努力!Eva 透過這系列畫作,寓意人生:多少是有些苦的,不會盡甜!我們面對自己的人生,儘管沒有全然的控制能力;可是,失意時的自我開解和釋懷,或許是重新振作的關鍵。在百忙中抽一點時間,靜靜的坐著,放下思緒,作深層的呼吸,專心地品嚐眼前的美食,內心的執著,瞬間都變得不重要了!